Forest Stewardship Project Update: Summer 2016

If you were standing in the forest that is now Pueblo Mountain Park 200 years ago, chances are you’d be in a place that had recently burned. Historically, ponderosa pine forests experienced a cool ground fire, usually started by lightning, every 5-10 years. It was a “cool” fire because it pretty much stayed on the ground burning grasses, forbs and shrubs, including most young ponderosa pines. The thick bark of the mature ponderosa pines could handle the scorching, and the lack of lower branches prevented the fire from working its way up into the canopy. Fire was the tool that Nature used to keep ponderosa pine forests open with relatively few trees and lots of grasses.

IMG_3381When settlers arrived in the West, they brought with them a European approach to managing forests, which lacked an understanding of the important role that fire played in many forest types. Anytime lightning would ignite a fire, every effort was made to to put it out. Over time, this approach led to ponderosa forests becoming wildly overgrown, and the combination of more shade from more trees and, often times, livestock grazing, the grasses that would carry a fire across the forest floor disappeared. In their place grew more and more trees and shrubs, which meant more and more fuel for catastrophic fires that burn up through the forest canopy and everything else in their path. Pueblo Mountain Park was a good example of such a forest.

IMG_3376Over the past 15 years, many efforts have been made to return the park’s forests to a more natural condition – less trees, less understory that could bring a ground fire into the canopy, and more grasses. Much progress has been made, as a good portion of the eastern third of the park now more closely resembles what a healthy ponderosa forest should look like.

If you’ve been wondering what the recent tree cutting is all about, it is our next step in reducing the park’s vulnerability to a catastrophic fire. All of the current tree cutting is taking place directly along the park roads. A road, lacking fuel, is a fire break that could effectively stop a fire moving along the forest floor. Our current efforts are meant to bring the potential of breaking the path of a fire into the upper part of the forest by opening up a gap in the tree canopy. If a fire were moving through the crowns of the trees, the gap we are currently enhancing stands a better chance of stopping it. It also gives firefighters a good place to “take a stand” in the case of a fire moving through the park.

IMG_3371As an added benefit, the removal of these trees will increase the amount of snow that reaches the park roads, which we close off in the winter,  which will make for better snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. And, the wood we get from the trees will be burned in the Horseshoe Lodge’s biomass boilers to heat the lodge, saving the burning of thousands of gallons of fossil fuels.


So, please excuse the temporary mess – we will soon be removing the remaining branches as we’ve arranged to have use of the City of Pueblo’s huge chipper in July. When this project is done, we all will have a safer, healthier and better Pueblo Mountain Park.


I frequently talk about “Nature deficit disorder” in my work as a Nature educator. I recently saw the phrase “noticing deficit disorder” the other day and it immediately registered as another downside to the techy plugged-in world we live in. Here is a wonderful article (click on the image below) on an antidote to these modern-day challenges – a way to reconnect with the other world we all live in – Nature. ~ Ranger Dave


Pueblo Parks & Rec Guide to Summer!

Summer is about here, and this guide will give you lots and lots of ideas for summer fun, including MPEC’s summer camps!  Click on the image to check it out, then find some activities that sound right for you and get moving for some summer recreation!


Bumps and Challenges are Nothing New for this Non-Profit

If you have been a follower of MPEC over the last couple of years, you are likely aware of the fact that MPEC has been down a somewhat bumpy road administratively. It was just under two years ago that our organization put in motion an Executive Director Succession Plan that ultimately was not successful. Earlier this year, we embarked on what we believed was a better Executive Director Succession Plan, but that proved unsuccessful as well. So, we are now applying lessons learned and are hopeful the third time is the charm.

Yes, it’s been tough. No, things have not gone the way we expected. But are we going to pack it in and give up? The answer is an emphatic NO! The truth is, bumps are nothing new to MPEC. In fact, before MPEC ever opened its doors there were years of unsuccessful proposals, “it will never work” comments, false starts, and countless frustrations. Back in the late 90s, when we began the long path of bringing the dream of MPEC into reality, it was nothing but bumpy. We could have thrown in the towel, but the attitude captured in thoughts like “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.”A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.”kept us plugging away during MPEC’s earliest challenges, and that same attitude is inspiring us now to do the same. Why? Because MPEC was, and is, too good an idea to give up!

SeeYouNextTimeMPEC has always dealt with bumps and challenges – not unusual for any business, and especially so for the non-profit sector lately. Like in 2002, when the the school district suddenly initiated a new policy not allowing students to be transported in 15-passenger vans, a month before school started and we had just raised the money to start a new program, Earth Studies, which would utilize vans for transportation. (So, we found the money, bought an old bus, and got CDLs so we could drive the bus). Or in 2007, when we learned that the initial estimate of $650,000 to renovate the Horseshoe Lodge was off by about a million dollars. (So, we raised another million dollars.) Or in 2013, when the basement of the lodge flooded with 6″ of muddy water during a heavy rainstorm, and then, after cleaning it all up, it flooded again three weeks later. (So, we came up with a flood mitigation plan, wrote a successful grant proposal to pay for the project, and so far no more floods.) And a hundred more bumps…

So, it’s been a bumpy ride since the very beginning for all sorts of reasons. Yes, it’scampjump2015 been challenging administratively the last couple of years, but our campers and students haven’t an inkling of it. If you were a 5th grader participating in our Earth Studies program, or a summer camper during the last couple of years, it would not have been bumps but animal tracks, birds, trees, and other natural wonders that you would have been aware of. In spite of the bumps, MPEC’s programs continue to do our most important work – connect people, especially young people, to Nature.

Pueblo Parks & Rec’s 2015/16 Fall, Winter, Spring Programs

Pueblo Parks and Rec’s Fall through Spring 2016-16 Program Guides are now available for pick up around Pueblo and offer many excellent programs for children through adults. We have some in our Interpretive Center at The Horseshoe Lodge so come by and get yours. It’s exciting to have available this comprehensive list of Pueblo’s excellent indoor and outdoor recreation and learning classes and more.  Read the guide here

Parks Rec 2015/16 Guide


Musings about Summer

camp2015 scarlettcholoehobbitvillempecamp2015I remember my summers as a child. I grew up in New York City, but the last day of school meant that the next day we would head out to eastern Long Island in a packed Rambler station wagon to spend the summer in the country. Fishing, exploring the swamp behind our house, building tree houses, climbing trees, swimming and being at the beach, riding my bike (my Dad had my family’s one car during the week working back in the city, so my Mom and four siblings lived carless all week). Fast forward a few decades…much of my life’s work has been providing opportunities for young people to be outdoors, to experience the joys of camp 2Nature, away from the City for awhile. One way we do that at MPEC is our summer camp program. I am proud that this summer, over 100 young people got to do just that. Here are a few photos from our Mountain Adventure Camp. On a related note, please check out this video about the value of children being outside and the lifestyle changes associated with that; then please share your thoughts. By the way, we wound up giving nearly $3000 more in camp scholarships this summer than our scholarship fund had – please consider making a donation to help us offsecampjump2015t that deficit. Thanks so much!

camp 4

camp 2015 boys walking sticks

Summer Seems to have Finally Arrived!

After an average winter of snowfall, May arrived with a bit of snow and lots and lots and lots of rain, all to a backdrop of chilly temps. Mid-spring was not turning out to be the warm flowery month we have all come to expect. Yes, the park had a fair share of wildflower species in bloom, but winter’s grip seemed to not want to let go. June arrived with some warmer temps, the faucet of rain turned to moderate, the end of MPEC’s school programs and the start of camps. Yes, summer has finally arrived. Just this morning, the pine woods under the early morning sun were alive with the clicking of cicadas, a sound that was not present just yesterday morning. So, the summer season, with all of its vibrancy and life and activity, is unfolding in Pueblo Mountain Park! Please come on up and enjoy it with us!senecio

Summer Guide to Fun – Pueblo Parks and Rec

parksPueblo Parks and Rec just released a great guide to local happenings for kids and families for Summer 2015. MPEC is proud to highlight our camps in it.  This is a publication you’ll want to keep handy in your kitchen or den to find happenings that are coming up – many of them free.  Pueblo has a wide variety of parks, programs and events that fit the needs of all ages with high quality instructors.

To view the guide and see locations for guide pick up – click here  2015_SummerProgramGuideREVISED_201504101601332387


It’s John Muir’s Birthday & Earth Week 2015 !

Jjohn muirohn Muir’s life is an inspiration to all who love Nature and wilderness. His life is a model for how to learn about and love the natural world. Read this reprint from The Writer’s Almanac (

It’s the birthday of naturalist John Muir (books by this author), born in Dunbar, Scotland (1838). He grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. His father was a strict Christian, and by age 11, Muir could recite three-quarters of the Old Testament and all of the New Testament by heart. One evening, the boy was up late reading, and his father forbade him from staying up late, but decided that as a compromise, he could get up as early as he wanted in the morning. Muir began getting up at 1 a.m. and going to the cellar to work on inventions by the light of a tallow candle. He invented a self-setting sawmill, thermometers, barometers, complex door-locks, an automatic horse-feeding machine, clocks, a firelighter, and many more tools. For motivation in the dark winter mornings, he invented an elaborate clock that also told the day of the week and the month, and was connected to a bed that set him on his feet at an appointed hour.

He exhibited some of his inventions at the state fair, and made enough money to enroll at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. One day, he was standing underneath a black locust tree when a fellow student asked Muir if he knew what family the locust tree was in. Muir said that he didn’t know anything about plants, so the student asked him, well, what does the flower look like? Muir said it looked like a pea flower. When the student explained that they were in the same family, Muir was amazed, even more so after the other student explained the principles of taxonomy. He wrote: “This fine lesson charmed me and sent me flying to the woods and meadows in wild enthusiasm. [.] I wandered away at every opportunity, making long excursions round the lakes, gathering specimens and keeping them fresh in a bucket in my room to study at night after my regular class tasks were learned; for my eyes never closed on the plant glory I had seen.” Despite his new fascination with plants, he was a mechanical genius, and he remained equally interested in inventions. He improved his clock-bed, which now set him on his feet and simultaneously lighted a lamp. The bed was supplemented by a clockwork desk that kicked into gear as soon as he woke up; it took each book he needed to study in order, pushed it to the top of the desk, and opened it for the correct number of minutes. He invented a wide variety of complex scientific instruments. Professors were so amazed that they regularly brought visitors to Muir’s dormitory room on the weekends to show off his inventions. Muir chose not to follow a recommended course of study. Instead, he dabbled in whatever interested him, from botany to Latin, and left Madison without a degree. Before his death, he wrote about his college years: “I wandered away on a glorious botanical and geological excursion, which has lasted nearly 50 years and is not yet completed, always happy and free, poor and rich, without thought of a diploma or of making a name.”

Muir found work as a sawyer in a wagon wheel factory. He was quickly promoted, and expected to have a great career. But after a year, he was repairing a belt for a circular saw when a file slipped and struck his eye, and he was temporarily blinded. He spent six weeks in a dark room, not knowing if he would ever see again. When his sight did return, he realized how important the beautiful world was to him. He wrote: “It was from this time that my long continuous wanderings may be said to have fairly commenced. I bade adieu to all my mechanical inventions, determined to devote the rest of my life to the study of the inventions of God.” He set out on a 1,000-mile walk from Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico, then walked from San Francisco to the Sierra Nevada.

Muir went on to become one of the most important naturalists and conservationists in American history. He founded the Sierra Club and helped fight to protect wilderness areas, especially the area around Yosemite Valley in the Sierra Nevada mountains. His books include Picturesque California(1888), My First Summer in the Sierra (1911), and The Story of My Boyhood and Youth (1913).

Summer Camp Registration Open

Camps blue marketing box shoafMPEC is excited to offer a great summer of camps.  We love how MPEC provides so many children with precious summer days filled with Nature fun and life-long memories through our summer camps. We have camps available for children in Kindergarten, starting with our Little Kids Camps, all the way through 12th grade – Mission:Wolf Camp!

Transportation from Pueblo is included in all of our camps, and through our amazing scholarship program we are able to send many children to camp at a reduced rate. Please visit for more information and to register.