This morning’s 1.33″ of rain that I measured for the previous 24 hours brings the past week’s total precip for the park to 3.53″…a nice amount that came in tolerable and manageable amounts, and a far cry from the record rainfall that parts of Colorado’s northern front range received the last week. After a drizzly morning and mostly gray afternoon, the skies were clearing on my after dinner walk this evening. The almost-full-moon was up in the eastern sky, peaking through the low clouds that were there and then gone-again, there and gone. The haunting call of a great-horned owl only added to the sublime ambiance of the evening. I hooted back, then heard two other owls from further away let their presence known. A lovely evening, and hopefully it will be just as lovely for MPEC’s full moon music hike that I am guiding this Wednesday, 7pm.
Summer Camps are over for this summer!
Summer Camp was a huge success at MPEC! We are proud of the many children that came from far and wide. Parents reported that their children came home singing songs and telling stories of things they learned. Our strong staff of camp counselors ranged from our young Counselors in Training to our adult Nature Educators who bring years of Nature Education teaching experience to the camp agenda. Camp Mission Wolf was a hit again this summer as was Survival Camp.
Thank you to all of our MPEC donors who helped make it possible for many children to attend camp.
Plein Air Art in Nature Class September 14th
What is art? Nature concentrated. – Honore De Balzac
MPEC is pleased to offer our first Plein Air Art Class led by two amazing instructors Kim Furrh and Bonnie Waugh of Sage Art Studio in Pueblo. Both of these women are accomplished professional artists and well known instructors. This day long course, offered on Sept 14th, will inspire artists through the beautiful setting of the ponderosa forests of Beulah. For details and to register go here!
The Wettest July That I’ve Ever Seen – rain details here!
Since July 1, the park has seen over 8.5 inches of rain. Most of that came in 2 major rain events – 4.2 inches in just under 24 hours and 3.26 inches in about 2 hours. Of course when that much rain comes all at once it can be rough on human infrastructure. The park’s roads are certainly showing this. The crew at MPEC is working on the roads but it is tough. The upside is that the immediate fire danger has been significantly reduced and the land is certainly greening up. The creeks are full and I noticed that nodding onions are popping up everywhere and the land is responding to the moisture. If I could make one request to the rain gods; ” please keep the rain coming, but in much smaller doses. ”

Family Camp Weekend is a fun overnight getaway

Deadline to register for Family Camp is Noon Wednesday, July 24.
Family Camps at MPEC are designed to create memories for parents and/or grandparents and their children. We’ve designed them to make it really easy for parents to attend. Bascially all you have to do is pack light summer clothing, a couple of changes of shoes ( in case we play in the creek, and we will!) and that’s it. We do all the cooking and provide the bedding too. Plus our great Nature Educator Staff keep you moving, exploring and playing fun games the entire time. There is also downbeat time to just hang out with your kids, but you’ll love the guided relaxed atmosphere not to mention the magic of the Horseshoe Lodge and Park. This camp is just an overnighter starting Saturday July 27 and ends Sunday so it’s perfect for an easy weekend getaway.

Details on camp including pricing and registration are here
MPEC Challenge Course is open for group rentals!
MPEC’s Low Ropes Challenge Course, which is tucked away in a lovely wooded area, consists of a series of real and imaginary obstacles. None are more than a foot or two off the ground. The Challenge Course is designed to challenge groups and individuals to work together to accomplish tasks.
Our Nature Educators are trained to give groups of all ages and sizes a chance to explore how they relate to each other as a team along with many other strength building topics. It is fun to bring your family and see how your children interact with the elements including how they listen and problem solve. And the course is also the perfect medium for groups to get to know each other better and explore having fun together in non-competitive ways If you have questions about how a challenge course experience may fit your group email Ranger Audra and learn more. The cost is very reasonable for the value you will get and it is wonderful way to make a memory for your group, family, team, or organization.

Bubble Circus Family Night July 17th Tickets On Sale Now
MPEC is delighted to offer a special summer family night show on Wednesday, July 17th when The Bubble Circus in the Pines comes to the park. Jim Jackson has been performing his unique style of buffoonery in theatres throughout the world. An accomplished juggler and magician, his shows appeal to all ages. Jim is a master clown and he is not scary! He is the founder of the Milibo Theater – a non-profit theater located in Colorado Springs.
Purchase your tickets now on line and remember the price is just $5 for anyone over 5 years old and you don’t have to bring a kid to come to this evening of laughter.
Summer is here! Ranger Audra recaps camp happenings!

Ranger Greg is also busy this week leading a group of young men on our Mountain Man Camp, a three day and two night camp for guys only. These boys will get to camp out in the woods, rock climb in Devil’s Canyon, and go white water river rafting.
Almost halfway through our camp season, we are excited to be a part of so many children’s lives this summer as we help MPEC with what it does best: teach and help connect children with nature. These kids will not only walk away from our camps with a greater knowledge and love for the outdoors, but also memories that will last the rest of their lives. Our days are full and joyful, and we are thoroughly enjoying the busy summer season.
2013 Xeriscape Tours of Pueblo and Pueblo West
Plan to attend the 2013 Xeriscape Tours of Pueblo and Pueblo West and see some beautiful water-wise gardens. These free tours are a great chance to learn, be inspired or just have a fun outing with your friends and family. You are free to visit any and all of the gardens at your own leisure on the set date and time. There is no set order, so see as much or as little as you want. Master Gardeners will be at each garden to answer questions.
The Pueblo Xeriscape tour will be on Saturday, June 1st from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
The Pueblo West Xeriscape tour will be on Sunday June 2nd from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Maps for the tours are available at most local garden nurseries, the Pueblo City and County Libraries or online at the Pueblo County extension office website here
MPEC serves Earth Studies healthy breakfasts and they love it!
Whew…we are rocking this week at MPEC. Sixty+ Corwin students, teachers, & parents spent the night on Monday, another 60 from Corwin on Tuesday night, around 50 from Sunset Elementary tonight, then around 50 from Bessemer Academy tomorrow night. That’s a whole lot of eggs to crack, lettuce to wash, homemade pizza to bake, hikes to the Fire Tower, s’mores around the evening campfire…all part of our amazing Earth Studies program. These students learn so much about science and the bioregion and the spending the night gives them a chance to learn about how to make their own beds and be stewards of the Lodge.
This is our morning kitchen set up for serving students. MPEC is proud of serving organic milk, healthy cereals without high fructose corn syrups, and whole-grain bagels. We also offer them scrambled eggs, a meat side and pure orange juice. Many of the students tell us that normally they only eat cereal for breakfast, so our philosophy of giving children a full learning experience is evidenced by them appreciating the meals we serve them