The Calm After the Storm

This morning’s 1.33″ of rain that I measured for the previous 24 hours brings the past week’s total precip for the park to 3.53″…a nice amount that came in tolerable and manageable amounts, and a far cry from the record rainfall that parts of Colorado’s northern front range received the last week. After a drizzly morning and mostly gray afternoon, the skies were clearing on my after dinner walk this evening. The almost-full-moon was up in the eastern sky, peaking through the low clouds that were there and then gone-again, there and gone. The haunting call of a great-horned owl only added to the sublime ambiance of the evening. I hooted back, then heard two other owls from further away let their presence known. A lovely evening, and hopefully it will be just as lovely for MPEC’s full moon music hike that I am guiding this Wednesday, 7pm.